Friday, October 31, 2008

A lesson in frugality

A few days ago I tore my garden up and started laying leaves all over it.  During the destruction period, I came upon about a dozen nice tomatoes.  Perfect shape, no spots or rotten places, but no good to eat.  But I picked them anyway and brought them in the house.  Next I wrapped each one in a sheet of newspaper.  Tonight I  unwrapped them and "voila!"  They are beautiful, soft, juicy and perfectly red/orange!
I could have just stomped them in the garden, but think what I would have lost!
Sort of like children.  Young, immature, nice to look at but they don't taste too good.  But wrap them up in love and let them simmer in life situations, with mom and dad being patient, waiting for them to "mature" and guess what?  They will be more special, and more worthy of bragging, than my tomatoes!  (At least my kids were!)

Dad and Grandpa


Kulio said...

awww, thanks dad!

You should write more of these.

You should wake up every morning and write something, anything. Don't pressure yourself to be profound, talk about the crack in the wall, whatever. And you'll find that profound things will come out.

I'd love to read your daily thoughts!

Lisa Y. said...

Me too! You always do come up with something worth reading. And remember we like reading about the normal day too. Doesn't have to be profound every time. Loved your costume!

Karaeleanor said...

love this post!
