Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Does Jesus really talk to me?

OK, let me explain....
When I left home and went to college, my Mom and Dad and I would talk quite often.  Now back then there weren't cell phones, and besides, my folks lived in Japan so we couldn't even talk on the telephone, it was so expensive.
But, you see, I knew my parents very well.  When I was with them, I watched them, listened to them, saw them in every type of situation, and I had heard them talk so much, I could almost predict what they would say before they said it.
In fact, if I would do something wrong when they were near, I knew they would tell me that it was wrong and what would happen if I continued it.  But I also knew that when I pleased them they would say.  "Bill, you make us so proud!" or "We are glad you are our son!"  
I would hear Dad say, "You're driving too fast!"  "Get your homework done."  and Mom, "Clean up your plate."  "Go make your bed!"  (Sound familiar?")  I still hear them talking to me.  But it's a little different.
Well, the more we get to know Jesus, the more we can hear his voice.  When we read the Bible and learn about Him, what He says, and what He does, it begins to teach us His "character" and pretty soon we can pretty much know what He is going to say, because we know Jesus!
So no, I don't hear actual voices, but just as sure as I am writing, I know when He is happy with me, and when He is disappointed, and when He wants me to think about something and then do it.
I hope this helps.


Unknown said...

I enjoyed your last two posts!

The previous took me back to "The Shack", a really interesting/challenging bit of spiritual fiction. The latter was more sublime as I could hear Grandma's voice clearly, and followed quickly by Grandpa's. Thanks for framing that experience, expertly, as usual.

As I go further into this nonsense called life, I'm drawn into to the variable of context and how the timing of things really can affect the overall outcome for people.

If you get a chance, check out "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell. I find him an American genius and one who's ideas are applicable in a
myiraid of applications; business, ministry, education...

another good read, not from zondervan is "Sway"....really interesting sociological information on decision making.


Heidi Lee said...

I know exactly what you mean dad.

I often wish I could "hear" Jesus like other people have said they have heard Him. But I think He speaks to people in different ways. I think some people actually hear a voice telling them something, where other people get a feeling, or a "sign" of some sort.

I think it depends on the person and Jesus knows what "voices" that person will respond to next.

Diane said...

I loved reading these last two posts - made me really think!

But keep 'em coming! You've built up a hungry following now.