Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Does Jesus really talk to me?
Let me tell you a story
I want to tell you a story.
I have been trying to "practice the presence of Jesus" in all that I do. It is not always easy, since my wife, Sharon, tries to lead me astray! Ha! (just kidding)
Anyway, I usually get up around 5:30 and grab the Free Press and read it with my coffee, then have a time of Bible study and devotions and that is pretty good, but not as good as I'd like.
Recently, I have tried something different.
We have a couch that sits across the room. Over by the piano. Well, I have been imagining that Jesus dropped in and is sitting there as I read the paper. That seems so rude, that I put the paper down and just concentrated on Him. And I talk. I talk to Him about my family. Sometimes I will spend a lot of time on just one of them. Like this morning, I just talked to Jesus about my son-in-law, Matt. No, he hasn't gone into deep sin or anything! I just wanted to make sure Jesus knew all about the frustrations, and fears of retail management. I discovered that He does! He knows all about Matt and He told me that He has him in the palm of His hand!
Then I bragged on Micah. How grown up he is! (Even though he dyed his hair yellow!) Jesus just asked, "What happened to his hair?" But he assured me that He is taking care of him and that He has a plan that He will tell Micah soon.
It is so neat to sit in your living room and talk to Jesus! I mean, really talk honestly and openly to Him. I cried and told Him that I wished that I could be more like Him. He sort of laughed and said, "Well, don't give up. Keep on trying!" That made me feel so good.
It was moving when he pointed to the wreath above the couch and said to me, "You know, Bill, that sort of reminds me of a "big" crown of thorns! You remember that?" And then He told me about how lonely he felt when none of His friends was around to encourage Him during that time. "But you know, Bill, I still love them....and they love me, in spite of how much they failed me."
Then He said, "I know you love me....even when you fail."
Sometimes we just sit there, me drinking my coffee and He...well I haven't offered Him any coffee yet. (I am not that crazy!) But I know He is right there. I want to ask Him questions, but I will wait until another time.
This morning, I told Him about all our grandkids. I described them, (He already knew) and I told Him how much I want Him to take care of them and let them grow up to be great saints of His Father. And He reminded me, "You know, Bill,I have a special place in my heart for kids. You've read in the Good Book how I took them in my arms, and how I said the kingdom of heaven will be chuck full of kids. Don't you think I will watch over them like a hawk? (or maybe an “angel!”...He laughed again.)
This is not the result of Alzheimers, or overdosing on the cough syrup. It is a practice of mine until it no longer serves its purpose. The interesting dilemma though, is,....How do you get up and leave? How do you start reading the paper again. When Jesus sits across the room from you.....nothing else really matters!
OK, OK, don't call the nursing home.
More later.